
编号 题目 状态 分数 总时间 内存 代码 提交者 提交时间
#190528 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 31 ms 384 K C++ / 408 B father黄铜II 2022-08-01 10:26:09
#2699 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 60 ms 376 K C++ / 312 B pikahuan逗比 2019-05-19 11:48:15
#2686 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 50 ms 308 K C++ / 311 B zhangjiayu 2019-05-19 11:33:02
#2206 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 56 ms 352 K C++ / 305 B qyx20070419 2019-05-12 16:13:21
#2207 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 66 ms 372 K C++ / 303 B Legendary_dove滑稽 2019-05-12 16:14:07
#2696 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 67 ms 376 K C++ / 300 B xvxianzhi 2019-05-19 11:40:46
#2205 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 57 ms 372 K C++ 11 / 295 B root站长 2019-05-12 16:11:34
#2211 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 61 ms 348 K C++ / 283 B zhanghaowei 2019-05-12 16:19:36
#13789 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 73 ms 376 K C++ / 283 B luffy路飞AFO 2019-08-19 18:49:20
#2688 #1013. 计数(t1.cpp 难度⭐,enjoy the bonus!) Accepted 100 58 ms 368 K C++ / 273 B xujialin 2019-05-19 11:33:49


